Archived Stories
Call on Congress to Vote for the FAA Bill with 10 Hours Rest
September 24, 2018
Late Friday night, we advised you that the House and Senate conference concluded with a bicameral FAA Reauthorization Bill that includes our 10 hours minimum rest and Fatigue Risk Management Plan (FRMP). This is a strong bill with many AFA safety priorities included - a summary is listed at the bottom of this email. Now, we need both the House and Senate toapprove the bill this week and it will go to the President's desk for signing before the September 30, 2018 deadline.
CALL both your Representative and two Senators NOW to say:
"I am a Flight Attendant and a constituent. I strongly support the FAA bill that includes 10 hours minimum rest for Flight Attendants among other important safety initiatives. I am calling to ask my (Senator/Representative) to vote for the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018. Thank you.
Call your Senators now at 855-534-1774.
Call your Representative now at 855-980-2366.
After you make your calls, text a flying partner and tell them to call. We need every Flight Attendant to weigh into get this bill done and 10 hours rest mandated by law.
Summary of AFA Safety Initiatives included in the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018:
- 10-hours Minimum Rest and a FRMP for Flight Attendants
- No knives on planes ever again
- Ban of Voice Calls on Planes
- Emotional Support and Service Animal Standards
- Air Quality: Technologies to Combat Contaminated Bleed Air
- Protect Customer Service agents from assaults
- Cabin Cyber Security Vulnerabilities
- Secondary Cockpit Barriers
- Safe Transport of Lithium Batteries
- Study on Cabin Evacuation Certification
- Increase Civil Penalties for Crew Interference from $25,000 to $35,000
- Banning Electronic Cigarette Smoking on Planes
- Congressional Focus on Addressing Sexual Misconduct on Planes
- Establish National Inflight Sexual Misconduct Task Force
- Require DOJ to Establish Reporting Process for Sexual Misconduct
- Prioritize Support for Flight Attendant Drug and Alcohol Program (FADAP)
- Requiring Privacy for Nursing in the Airport
- Evaluation and Update of Emergency Medical Kit Contents
- Oxygen Mask Design Study
- Develop Guidance for Non-Toxic Prevention of Transporting Insects
- Exit Row Evaluation and Verification
- Required notification of Insecticide use
- Promoting Women in Aviation
- TSA Authorization
- Continue Crewmember Self-Defense Training
- NTSB Reauthorization
- Improve Consumer Notification of Insecticide Use
- Expanded Human Trafficking Training for Airline Personnel
- Authorization of Essential Air Service
Flight Attendant Union's Top Safety Priority for Improved Rest Included in FAA Reauthorization Bill
September 22, 2018
Washington, DC (September 22, 2018) — The 50,000 Flight Attendants at 20 airlines represented by the Association of Flight Attendants–CWA, AFL-CIO (AFA), today cheered the announcement of a bicameral FAA Reauthorization Bill ready for approval prior to the September 30, 2018 deadline. The bill includes the union’s top safety priority for 10 hours minimum rest, equal with the flight deck, among other AFA safety priorities. AFA International President Sara Nelson issued the following statement:
"The Association of Flight Attendants-CWA enthusiastically endorses a vote for the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018 with a provision to combat Flight Attendant fatigue by increasing minimum rest from 8 hours to 10 hours. Congressional fatigue studies have confirmed this is a safety issue and with an affirmative vote by lawmakers next week we can close this safety loophole. It’s about safety, health, and equality as we harmonize minimum rest with our flight deck counterparts."
“We applaud Chairman Shuster (R-PA), Ranking Member DeFazio (D-OR), Chairman LoBiondo (R-NJ), and Ranking Member Larsen (D-WA), and Representative Capuano (D-MA) in the House for their leadership in shaping this bill that will improve our rest. Senator Hirono (D-HI) who originally introduced the language when she was in the House. Senator Cantwell (D-WA), Senator Nelson (D-FL), Senator Blumenthal (D-CT), Senator Markey (D-MA), and Senator Schatz (D-HI) have all since worked hard to ensure the rest language would be included in a final FAA bill. We are grateful for the leadership of all of these lawmakers and their focus on aviation safety.
"We especially thank Flight Attendants around the country for making calls, signing postcards, rallying, repeatedly visiting congressional offices and taking other actions to achieve this outcome today. There are several other key safety provisions in the bill that AFA has promoted. We urge Congress to vote for safety, health, and equality! Vote for the FAA Reauthorization Bill."
The Association of Flight Attendants is the Flight Attendant union. Focused 100 percent on Flight Attendant issues, AFA has been the leader in advancing the Flight Attendant profession for 73 years. Serving as the voice for Flight Attendants in the workplace, in the aviation industry, in the media, and on Capitol Hill, AFA has transformed the Flight Attendant profession by raising wages, benefits, and working conditions. Nearly 50,000 Flight Attendants come together to form AFA, part of the 700,000-member strong Communications Workers of America (CWA), AFL-CIO. Visit us at
Rest Now: It's About Safety, Health and Equality
September 20, 2018
The House and Senate committee leadership are talking right now to determine whether they can agree on a long-term FAA Reauthorization bill to be adopted before the September 30, 2018 extension deadline.
While not yet certain, there is a good chance Congress will actually pass a bill before the end of the month. So this is it!
Here in DC we are working all of our internal channels to make this a success for us, but the reality is that the committee Republican leadership in the Senate is working hard to reduce 10 hours to only 9.
We need your calls TODAY to ensure the Senate maintains the House 10 hours irreducible rest language. CALL 855-534-1774 NOW and say:
"I am a Flight Attendant and a constituent. The FAA bill is coming together in pre-conference. I would like my Senator to weigh in with Chairman Thune to tell him to maintain the House language of 10 Hours Rest for Flight Attendants and not a minute less, in the FAA Reauthorization Bill. It's about safety, health and equality — we are the only country in the world to have different minimum rest for Flight Attendants and Pilots. Please let me know if my Senator is able to make that call. This is our top safety priority as Flight Attendants. Thank you."
Safety: 7 fatigue studies commissioned by Congress confirm Flight Attendants are fatigued and more rest is needed so that aviation's first responders can do our jobs.
Health: Study results released in June 2018 by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health found that Flight Attendants have a significantly higher rate of cancer than the general public, even though the general public is on average less fit. Lack of sleep and interrupted sleep are cited as contributing factors. Fatigue also contributes to other health risks.
Equality: The United States is the only country in the world that doesn't have consistent rest rules for flight deck and cabin crews. Since 2014 U.S. pilots have had 10 hours minimum rest. It is concerning that Flight Attendants in the U.S. are not provided the same minimum rest standard of 10 hours.
Call the Senate now at 855-534-1774.
After you make your call, text a flying partner and tell them to call. We need every Flight Attendant to weigh in with their Senators to make our 10 hours rest a reality.
More Background:
Remember that the House bill, adopted overwhelmingly 393-13, contains our 10 hour irreducible language, the Flags of Convenience Don't Fly Here language that stops an avenue to outsource our jobs, and many other provisions important to Flight Attendants. The Senate never passed a bill, so individual Senators can weigh in with committee leadership and staff to press for our rest and our jobs.
Call the Senate now at 855-534-1774.
Call the Senate TODAY for 10 Hours Rest and Not a Minute Less!
Politico reported on Friday that Capitol Hill staff believe "there's a small window of opportunity to get the FAA bill on the floor very soon." The Senate Commerce Committee plans to start outlining an updated FAA package this week to meet the upcoming window. We need to make our calls to ensure Flight Attendant 10 hours rest and not a minimum less is marked as a top priority.
Call 855-534-1774 to tell your Senators to maintain the House language of 10 Hours Rest for Flight Attendants and not a minute less, in the FAA Reauthorization Bill. It's about safety, health and equality — we are the only country in the world to have different minimum rest for Flight Attendants and Pilots.
Where 10 hours stands in Congress: The bipartisan House FAA Reauthorization Bill was already adopted, 393-13, with our 10 hours included in the base bill. The Senate bill has not yet been voted on. Currently, the Senate bill allows management to reduce 10 hours to 9 hours, and some of the airlines are working hard to keep it that way. Studies show we are fatigued - and more rest is needed to close this safety loophole!
Ten hours minimum equal rest with the flight deck is the bare minimum. Hold our elected representatives accountable for our safety, health and equality! Call 855-534-1774 now.
Have you called the Senate this week for 10 hours rest?
AFA-CWA's National Political-Legislative conference was held in Washington, DC, this week. Eighty Flight Attendants from across the industry had appointments with the majority of Senate offices to encourage them to vote for our 10 hours minute rest in the FAA Reauthorization bill. They made progress, but we need your calls to back them up.
Call 855-534-1774 to tell your Senators to maintain the House language of 10 Hours Rest for Flight Attendants, and not a minute less, in the FAA Reauthorization Bill. It's about safety, health and equality - we are the only country in the world to have different minimum rest for Flight Attendants and Pilots.
Review where 10 hours stands in Congress: The bi-partisan House FAA Reauthorization Bill was already adopted, 393-13, with our 10 Hours included in the base bill. The Senate bill has not yet been voted on. Currently it allows management to reduce 10 hours to 9 hours, and some of the airlines are working hard to keep it that way. Fatigue studies show we are fatigued - and more rest is needed to close this safety loophole! Ten hours minimum equal rest with the flight deck is the bare minimum. Hold our elected representatives accountable for our safety, health and equality! Call now and each day until we make 10 hours law.
Keep Making Your Calls for
10 Hours Rest
Until we have our 10 Hour Rest, we need to take action every day! Take a minute right now to make your two calls to your Senators. 855-534-1774.
The House FAA Reauthorization Bill has our 10 Hours in it. The Senate bill allows management to reduce to 9 hours, and several airlines are working hard to keep it that way. Fatigue studies show we are fatigued - and more rest is needed! Equal rest with the flight deck is the bare minimum, but they are fighting even that! Stand up, fight back and hold our elected representatives accountable for our safety, health and equality!
Call 855-534-1774 to tell your Senators to maintain the House language of 10 Hours Rest for Flight Attendants in the FAA Reauthorization Bill. We need equal 10 hours minimum rest with the flight deck and not a minute less.
After you make your call, text a flying partner and tell them to call. We need every Flight Attendant to weigh in with their Senators to make our 10 hours rest a reality.
Share pictures of you and your flying partners making calls using the #Fightfor10 on Twitter (@afa_cwa) or send them to
Senate Fast-Tracks FAA Bill
May 8, 2018
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell(R-Ky.) added the House-passed FAA bill (H.R. 4) to the floor calendar Monday evening (5/14), a procedural maneuver that will allow the bill to be brought to the floor.
The House bill is just the vehicle, though - once debate begins, the Senate will strip the bill clean and move to patch its own bill and amendments into the shell.
CALL 1-855-534-1774 TODAY and tell your Senators to maintain the House 10 hours rest language for Flight Attendants in the FAA Reauthorization Bill.
Flight Attendants Cheer Passage of House FAA Reauthorization Bill with Rest Provisions and More
April 27, 2018
We are one step closer to making our 10 hours minimum rest law! Today, the House of Representatives voted for the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018 (H.R. 4). The bill includes our top safety priority for equal minimum rest with the flight deck, protections against eroding U.S. aviation jobs, and enhancements to the security of our aviation system.
“Congressional fatigue studies have concluded Flight Attendants don’t get enough rest in our safety sensitive work. AFA made 10 hours minimum rest free from duty - equal with the flight deck - our top safety priority in this bill. Today, the House voted for legislation that fixes this safety loophole of Flight Attendant fatigue. This is about safety, health, and equality,” stated AFA International President Sara Nelson.
Next, the bill moves to the Senate. The Senate must include the same rest provisions.
Call 855-534-1774 now and tell your Senators to maintain the House 10 hours rest language for Flight Attendants in the FAA Reauthorization Bill. |
The House FAA bill includes these AFA safety priorities:
- 10-hours Minimum Rest and a FRMP for Flight Attendants
- Protecting U.S. aviation jobs by preventing approval of any new applications by airlines operating with a flags-of-convenience model
- Ban of Voice Calls on Planes
- Emotional Support and Service Animal Standards
- Mitigating Cabin Cyber Security Vulnerabilities
- Secondary Cockpit Barriers
- Safe Transport of Lithium Batteries
- Study on Cabin Evacuation Certification
- Requiring privacy for nursing in the airport
- Evaluation and update of emergency medical kit contents
- Required Notification of Insecticide Use
- Promoting Women in Aviation
- Banning Electronic Cigarette Smoking on Planes
- Training on Sexual Harassment and Assault
- Protect Customer Service Agents from Assaults
“We applaud Chairman Shuster (R-PA), Ranking Member DeFazio (D-OR), Chairman LoBiondo (R-NJ), and Ranking Member Larsen (D-WA) for their leadership in shaping this bill that will improve our rest, tackle current aviation issues that matter to the traveling public, and maintain a strong U.S. aviation system with good jobs. We urge the Senate to act quickly to do the same. We especially thank Flight Attendants around the country for making calls, signing postcards, rallying, and taking other actions to achieve this outcome today. We will take the same spirit to the Senate.” Nelson concluded. Read more >
August 10, 2017
Today is the day we take action online for our rest and jobs. Congress needs to act now to combat Flight Attendant fatigue with 10 hours irreducible rest for Flight Attendants. And, keeping our jobs under U.S. contracts requires lawmakers to stop "flags of convenience" business models from outsourcing our jobs to countries with the lowest labor standards. Rest and jobs! Act now!
8-10 Day of Action Checklist
Make sure to complete the checklist before taking off today:
- Go to
- Find your airport. Choose by your base, a city where you fly frequently or an airport in your home state.
- Tweet at every elected official listed on the airport page.
- Follow up with calls to your Senators and Representative. The phone number and script is located at the bottom of each airport action page.
- Spread the word to get as many people tweeting and calling as possible.
We win with focused persistence. Your voice counts! Use it!
Storm the Airwaves on 8-10
August 2, 2017
To keep the momentum going for 10 hours irreducible rest and protecting good U.S. aviation jobs, AFA is calling for an on-line Day of Action on August 10 (our minimum rest needs to move from 8-10). We are asking every Flight Attendant to contact your Representative, two Senators and to join in our social media (Twitter) messaging campaign.
The challenge is to get as many AFA members as possible to sign-up for a Twitter account. Twitter is extremely effective for contacting members of Congress and getting the attention of corporations and media. We will make it easy for you! Just take a few minutes now to set up your Twitter account (if not already signed up) and make sure you keep your user name and password. On August 10 (8-10), we will provide a click through list to targeted members of Congress.
Getting active on Twitter has never been easier. Please help make sure your flying partners, family and friends have Twitter accounts and follow AFA (@afa_cwa)!
To create a Twitter account:
Go to and find the sign up box, or go directly to
Enter your full name, phone number, and a password.
Click Sign up for Twitter.
In order to verify your phone number, Twitter will send you an SMS text message with a code. Enter the verification code in the box provided.
Once you've clicked Sign up for Twitter, you can select a username (usernames are unique identifiers on Twitter) — type your own or choose one Twitter has suggested. Twitter will tell you if the username you want is available.
Double-check your name, phone number, password, and username.
Click Create my account. You may be asked to complete a Captcha to let Twitter know that you're human.
Follow @afa_cwa on Twitter.
8/10 Day of Action checklist:
Know your members of Congress. To find your Representative, click here. Enter your zip code in the top right corner of the webpage. To find your Senators, click here. Select your state in the top left corner dropdown menu of the webpage.
Create a Twitter Account.
Like AFA on Facebook and follow AFA on Twitter.
Schedule 15 min on your calendar for August to to make a difference.
Spread the word with your flying partners.
CALL NOW: Tell Your Representative to Support the AIRR Act!
July 13, 2017
The House FAA Reauthorization Bill (H.R. 2997) protects our jobs from outsourcing and sets 10 hours non-reducible minimum rest for Flight Attendants. This is our opportunity to make these provisions law. But it won't happen without your action.
Call your Representative TODAY at 855-980-2366 and tell them to support the 21st Century AIRR Act (H.R. 2997)!
Here's what you can say when you are connected:
"I'm your constituent and a Flight Attendant. I'm calling to urge my Representative to vote YES on H.R. 2997 when it comes to the House floor. This FAA Reauthorization bill ensures I have 10 hours non-reducible rest and prevents the outsourcing of my job. Flight Attendants can't wait any longer for these safety and job protections. Please vote YES on H.R. 2997. Thank you."
Calling is easy: When you dial the number, you will automatically be connected to one of your Senator's or Representative's office after a brief message. It may take several attempts to reach both, so keep calling every day!
Why are Flight Attendants supporting H.R. 2997? The bill advances priority safety and job protections for Flight Attendants, including:
- Flags Don't Fly Here — prevents the DOT from awarding foreign air carrier permits to airlines that use the flags-of-convenience model
- 10 Hours Non-Reducible Rest and a Fatigue Risk Management Plan for Flight Attendants
- Banning Voice Calls on Planes
- Secondary Cockpit Barriers
- Customer Service Agent Assault Penalties
- Cabin Evacuation Certification Standards
- Impact of Seat Pitch on Safety
- Nursing Rooms in Airports
- Improved Insecticide Notification
- Expanded Airport Personnel Human Trafficking Awareness Training
- Improved Lithium Ion Battery Regulations
Equal Rest for Flight Attendants: Call Your Senators NOW
Date: June 23, 2017
Both the Senate and the House FAA Reauthorization Bills have been introduced. The House bill includes our Fightfor10 language but the Senate bill falls short with 10 hours, reducible to only 9 hours rest. Tell your Senators we need 10 hours minimum rest equal with the flight deck and not a minute less!
Here's what you can say when you are connected:
"I'm your constituent and a Flight Attendant. Studies show I can become fatigued at work. I'm calling to urge the Commerce Committee to include 10-hour, non-reducible minimum rest for Flight Attendants and a Fatigue Risk Management Plan in S. 1405. Thank you."
Call your Senators TODAY at 855-534-1774!
Calling is easy: When you dial the number, you will automatically be connected to one of your Senator's and Representative's offices after a brief message. It may take several attempts to reach both, so keep calling!
For more information on our #Fightfor10 Campaign visit
Date: May 10, 2017
The Senate is drafting their version of the FAA Reauthorization Bill and we need them to make combatting Flight Attendant fatigue a top priority.
Tell Senators to include our 10 hours minimum rest provision along with a Fatigue Risk Management Plan (FRMP) in the base bill.
Call your Senator TODAY at 855-534-1774 and tell them Flight Attendants need 10 hours minimum rest and not a minute less!
Congressional fatigue studies confirm we need more rest. This is about safety, health and equality - the flight deck has 10 hours minimum rest and so should we.
At a Senate Hearing last week, Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) promised to include AFA's 10-hour minimum rest and a Fatigue Risk Management Plan in the FAA Reauthorization Bill this year.
Call your Senator TODAY at 855-534-1774! Calling is easy: When you dial the number, you will automatically be connected to one of your Senator's offices after a brief message. It may take several attempts to reach both your Senators, so keep calling!
Here's what you can say when you are connected:
"I'm your constituent and a Flight Attendant. Studies show I can become fatigued at work. I'm calling to urge the Commerce Committee to include 10-hour, non-reducible minimum rest for Flight Attendants and a Fatigue Risk Management Plan in the FAA Reauthorization Bill. Thank you."
For more information on our #Fightfor10 Campaign visit
Fight for 10: Tell Your Senators to Support Bill S.3421
October 4, 2016 - We must raise the standards for all Flight Attendants with 10 hours minimum rest and a Fatigue Risk Management Plan (FRMP) that addresses real problems of fatigue in the operation.
That's why our union worked with U.S. Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Ed Markey (D-MA), Jean Shaheen (D-NH), Sherrod Brown (D-OH), and Maria Cantwell (D-WA), to keep this important aviation safety issue in front of Congress.
TAKE ACTION: Tell your Senator to close this loophole in aviation safety and #Fightfor10!
The bill, S. 3421, would harmonize Flight Attendant rest and fatigue language in the House version of the FAA Reauthorization Bill. The Senate version included a FRMP for Flight Attendants, but failed to include irreducible 10 hours minimum rest.
We've achieved more on this than ever before, but we won't rest until the job is done and Flight Attendant fatigue is put to bed.
Tell your Senator to close this loophole in aviation safety and #Fightfor10!
Rally for REST Event Recap
Over 300 Flight Attendants from across the industry descended on Captiol Hill to Rally for Rest. Flight Attendants from the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, and the Transport Workers Union joined together to Fight for 10. They visited all 541 Congressional offices to advocate for these provisions.
Due to Flight Attendants' pressure the Senate included a Fatigue Risk Management Plan in their version of the FAA Reauthorization Bill. AFA supported components achieved today during the Senate markup:
- FAA Fatigue Risk Management Plan
- Mechanical (non-chemical) Disinsection on Commercial Flights
- Human Trafficking Awareness Training
- Ban on Voice Communications in Flight
- No Knives on Planes
- FAA Review of Evacuation Certification Standards.
Photos from event >
Make Calls to Senate NOW for 10 Hours Rest!
February 23, 2016
The Senate is drafting their version of the FAA Reauthorization Bill this week - and we need them to make combatting Flight Attendant fatigue a top priority.
It's time to tell Senators to include our 10 hours minimum rest provision along with a Fatigue Risk Management Plan (FRMP) in the base bill.
The time for talk is done. Fatigue studies confirm we need more rest. This is about safety, health and equality - the flight deck has 10 hours minimum rest and so should we.
Studies confirm Flight Attendant fatigue occurs more frequently than originally known. In an era of heightened security with the need for constant vigilance, Flight Attendants cannot afford to be impaired on the job due to fatigue.
Call your Senator TODAY:
Sample Script:
"Hello, my name is _________ and I live in _________. I'm a Flight Attendant calling to urge Senator _____________ to include 10 hours minimum rest and a Fatigue Risk Management Plan for Flight Attendants in the FAA Reauthorization Bill. This was already included with bi-partisan support in the House version of the bill. This is about safety, my health and equality. And it is essential to maintaining the world's safest aviation system."
Check the list below - if your Senator is listed your call is especially important.
If your Senator is not listed, we encourage you to make the call anyway and simply revise the script to say you expect your Senator to support Flight Attendant rest in the FAA Reauthorization Bill.
State |
Senator |
Number |
WA |
Maria Cantwell |
202-224-3441 |
CT |
Richard Blumenthal |
202-224-2823 |
FL |
Bill Nelson |
202-224-5274 |
HI |
Brian Schatz |
202-224-3934 |
MA |
Edward J. Markey |
202-224-2742 |
MI |
Gary C. Peters |
202-224-6221 |
MN |
Amy Klobuchar |
202-224-3244 |
MO |
Claire McCaskill |
202-224-6154 |
NJ |
Cory A. Booker |
202-224-3224 |
NM |
Tom Udall |
202-224-6621 |
WV |
Joe Manchin |
202-224-3954 |
SD |
John Thune |
202-224-2321 |
AK |
Dan Sullivan |
202-224-3004 |
CO |
Cory Gardner |
202-224-5941 |
FL |
Marco Rubio |
202-224-3041 |
KS |
Jerry Moran |
202-224-6521 |
MO |
Roy Blunt |
202-224-5721 |
MS |
Roger F. Wicker |
202-224-6253 |
MT |
Steve Daines |
202-224-2651 |
NE |
Deb Fischer |
202-224-6551 |
NH |
Kelly Ayotte |
202-224-3324 |
NV |
Dean Heller |
202-224-6244 |
TX |
Ted Cruz |
202-224-5922 |
WI |
Ron Johnson |
202-224-5323 |
Flight Attendants Cement Essential 10 Hour Rest Provision in House FAA Reauthorization Bill
Washington, DC (February 11, 2016) — The Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, AFL-CIO (AFA) cheered the members of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee for their action to amend the Aviation Innovation, Reform and Reauthorization Act of 2016 (AIRR Act) to include a 10 hour minimum rest provision based on science and sought by Flight Attendants for decades. This FAA Reauthorization Bill will set the priorities and funding for U.S. aviation for the coming years.
"Proper rest is critical for Flight Attendants to do our work as aviation's first responders. We worked very hard to achieve this common sense regulation and we will continue to push until the minimum 10 hour rest becomes law. Science confirms Flight Attendant fatigue is real and we must all commit to combat fatigue for the continued safest transportation system in the world. AFA commends members of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee for working with us on proper rest and all of our safety initiatives for this bill," said AFA International President Sara Nelson.
Currently, after working 14 hours federal regulations allow Flight Attendant rest to be reduced to 8 hours from the time the plane arrives until it departs again. Passenger deplaning, preflight preparation and passenger boarding is included within the rest period which means that the opportunity to actually sleep is closer to 4 or 5 hours before potentially working another 14 hour duty day. AFA's "Fight for 10" also includes a Fatigue Risk Management Plan (FRMP) for reporting instances of fatigue. The FRMP also provides education for Flight Attendants to determine when they are fatigued and what steps in addition to proper rest that can be taken to avoid it.
AFA supported components of the bill include:
FAA Minimum Rest of 10 Hours and a Fatigue Risk Management Plan
Human Trafficking Awareness Training
Ban on Voice Communications in Flight
A Review of Evacuation Certification Standards
Secondary Barriers
Improved Notification of Insecticide Use
- Smoking Ban for E-Cigarettes
AFA successfully led the fight against smoking onboard and supported the Norton Amendment to ban e-cigarettes which passed 33-26. The House Committee mark up is on-going and the final product may include additional safety issues important to Flight Attendants and our aviation worker counterparts. AFA is working with key Senators to ensure the 10 Hour Rest and FRMP language is included in the Senate version of the bill.
The Association of Flight Attendants is the world's largest Flight Attendant union. Focused 100 percent on Flight Attendant issues, AFA has been the leader in advancing the Flight Attendant profession for 70 years. Serving as the voice for Flight Attendants in the workplace, in the aviation industry, in the media and on Capitol Hill, AFA has transformed the Flight Attendant profession by raising wages, benefits and working conditions. Nearly 60,000 Flight Attendants come together to form AFA, part of the 700,000-member strong Communications Workers of America (CWA), AFL-CIO. Visit us at