Las Vegas: Contact Your Representative

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This is about protecting good U.S. aviation jobs and increasing Flight Attendant rest from 8 hours to 10 hours. 

Sen. Dean Heller

Rep. Ruben Kihuen

Rep. Jacky Rosen

Rep. Dina Titus

If you don't have a Twitter account, follow these steps to create one. 

Back up your tweets with direct calls to your representatives in Congress. 

Dial 855-980-2366 to be connected to your Representative to deliver this message:

"I'm your constituent and I'm calling to urge my Representative to vote for the FAA Reauthorization bill that includes 10 hours non-reducible rest for Flight Attendants and prevents the outsourcing of aviation jobs. Flight Attendants can't wait any longer for these safety and job protections. Thank you."

Dial 855-534-1774 twice to reach both of your Senators and deliver this message:

"I'm your constituent and I'm calling to urge my Senator to harmonize language with the House FAA Bill (H.R. 2997) to ensure Flight Attendants have 10 hours non-reducible minimum rest and to prevent the flags-of-convenience model from shipping aviation jobs out of our country. Flight Attendants can't wait any longer for these safety and job provisions. Please include these provisions in S. 1405. Thank you."